Thursday, December 25, 2008

Now I know what it means to be retired

It was not until early one morning this week that I realized that I was “retired” Linda was out of county, the animals were still asleep as was the town (no noise) and I was awake, mulling over what I had to do that day. First, I had to remember what day it was (Wednesday) and know that I had no commitments to be anywhere or do anything. It was then it dawned on me that I DO NOT HAVE TO DO ANYTHING TODAY!

Therein also lay the problem. With no commitments my day was entirely up to me and I could:
Go back to sleep if I could live with the town noise
Go online and read the news
Study my Spanish
Take the dogs the beach
Clean or fix something around the house
Make some coffee and enjoy the morning

Well I did all of them during the day but did not leave the house except to run the dogs. Life is good!

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